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Every one of our employees is entitled to a safe working environment. We aim to ensure smooth work without accidents for both our own staff and third parties working on our premises.

We focus on ensuring our employees’ safety-related
competence. Sufficient orientation, regular safety training and up-to-date guidelines lay the foundation for a safe working environment. We invest in both job-specific and general safety training and guidelines. Each employee at Olvi Group’s plants has the appropriate protective equipment and clothing.

Aiming for zero accidents

Early intervention is important to minimise damage
and prevent accidents, injuries and occupational diseases. We are continuously working to detect and eliminate risk factors.

We measure the safety of the working environment
based on the total number of accidents and absences
caused by accidents. A total of 36 accidents occurred
at Olvi Group in 2023, which was 11 accidents more
than the previous year. There was one serious accident,
while there were three of them in the previous year.

The increase in the number of accidents is at least partly explained by an active development of the safety culture, which means that even smaller accidents are reported. This way, the accident investigation model can be deployed and recurring accidents can be prevented.

Read more in Sustainability report 2023