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A.Le Coq began using the Gallup Q12 Index that is used in 195 countries, covering 27 million employees. The Index is aimed at assessing employees’ well-being and commitment.

“It is important for us that our employees feel well and don’t experience any work-related stress, and that work arrangements help to guarantee that no one has a burnout. Our target was to increase employee satisfaction and well-being particularly in units that had room for improvement in these areas,” says Katrin Lember, Director of Administration, A. Le Coq.

The pilot project was implemented in 2021. By the end of 2022, the Index was used in all production units.

The Gallup Q12 survey is based on a questionnaire, which is completed by employees anonymously. After the questionnaire completion period, personal discussions were arranged for respondents to address the themes featured in the survey. These confidential one-to-one discussions lasted sometimes up to three hours. The personal approach received positive feedback.

Once the supervisor had held discussions with all of their subordinate employees, a summary of the discussions was prepared and presented at the department meeting. Of the issues that came up at the department meeting, 2–3 of the most important ones were selected for immediate addressing. The supervisor and employees concluded a bilateral agreement, under which they agreed to rectify or change these issues.

“The Q12 discussions have become one of our management tools. We believe that this tool will help us to improve our working environment so that all employees are happier and more satisfied. The results were already reflected in our company’s PeoplePower survey,” Lamber says.